2. Monospaced_font_now {

With the development of the mathematical power of the computer, the spacing for proportional fonts got easier, but monospaced fonts have continued to be popular than falling behind. In fact, it is now more widely being used for computer programming than proportional fonts because of few reasons.

First of all, the alignment of the monospaced fonts make it easier to check the code. In detail, with the usage of proportional spacing font, the below two lines have the same number of characters, but their alignment does not match with one another.

lie = lie.variable()
con = con.variable()

Here, the tall characters are generally squeezed sideways until they resemble each other. Even though it is possible to add some space/tabs and try to align them, it is an unnecessary additional effort to do such, and it is merely impossible to get it just right which makes it the engineers hard to read code since the proportional fonts hold a different alignment.

lie = lie.variable()
con = con.variable()

Here, you can see the = operator in both statements is aligned vertically, and both lines end at the same cursor point with a monospaced font.

Image of the first monospaced font, Courier
Image of engineer coding

The second reason why the monospaced font is preferred over the proportional font is because of the parentheses, punctuation, and negation(!). In addition to regular alphanumeric characters, the expressions (parentheses, punctuations [, ; .] are used as much as the alphanumeric characters. Similar to the first problem, these characters hold very thin/narrow in proportional fonts, which are also hard to read as they are small.





In this manner, those expressions on the monospaced font are more visible as it gives more space to those syntactical characters, while in the proportional font they are remained squeezed for better legibility on the text itself.


Now we all know of the reason why the monospaced fonts are being preferred for computer programming, it arouses the curiousity of which monospace typeface people prefers to spend a lot of time in the code editor together.

Fira Code

First is Fira code that was designed by multiple designers, which is an extension of the Fira Mono font, and undoubtedly the most commonly used font for coding. Fira code contains multiple code-specific ligatures (which also includes ligature for ‘www’). Furthermore, Fira code has great legibility where it differentiates “1”, “l” and “I” characters to be clearly distinguishable.

=== www ⇔ ⇒ ~>
1 i l O 0
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Source Code Pro

Second is Source Code Pro that was produced by Adobe to be one of the first open source fonts. The Source Code Pro has excellent legibility and also does great differentiation for confusing characters like “1”, “l” and “I”.

=== www ⇔ ⇒ ~>
1 i l O 0
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Ubuntu Mono

Third is Ubuntu Mono that was designed by Dalton Maag. What makes this font stand out from the other monospaced fonts, is the fact that it is designed for multiple languages, where which covers more than 1,200 glyphs, and about 200-250 languages.

=== www ⇔ ⇒ ~>
1 i l O 0
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.